GitLab vs Redmine

August 20, 2021


DevOps is all about creating synergy between development and operations. The process involves continuous integration, testing, and deployment. To achieve that, you need powerful tools that can assist you in the DevOps process. GitLab and Redmine are two of the most popular ones, but which is better? Let’s compare!


  • GitLab is an all-round DevOps platform that offers a variety of features such as code management, CI/CD, security, and more. It has a robust interface that provides an immersive experience for the user.
  • Redmine, on the other hand, is an issue tracking tool that enables users to manage multiple projects and track issues within them. Although it does not have as many features as GitLab, its simplicity makes it an excellent choice for project management.


  • GitLab offers a range of pricing options, from free to enterprise. The free version is an excellent option for small teams, while the enterprise version is ideal for larger organizations.
  • Redmine, on the other hand, is entirely free and open-source.


  • GitLab has a faster performance than Redmine, thanks to its continuous integration and deployment system. This feature enables developers to test, build and deploy continuously, preventing delays.
  • Redmine, on the other hand, has a slower performance since it wasn’t designed with devops in mind.


  • GitLab has a more modern and easy-to-use interface than Redmine. Its user-friendliness ensures easy navigation and an immersive experience for its users.
  • Redmine, however, has a clunky interface that has a steep learning curve.


  • GitLab offers an extensive list of integrations that can enhance DevOps workflows, including Jira, Jenkins, and Slack.
  • Redmine, on the other hand, has a much shorter list of integrations, and they are mostly focused on issue tracking.


Both GitLab and Redmine have their own strengths and weaknesses. If you’re looking for an all-round DevOps platform with a modern interface, GitLab is the way to go. However, if you’re looking for a simple issue tracking tool, Redmine might be a better fit. In the end, it all depends on your primary needs.


  1. GitLab. (n.d). GitLab.
  2. Redmine. (n.d). Redmine.

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